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2011- present

Cover Year Author Title Publisher Country
2015 Sebastian Zenker and Björn Jacobsen Inter-Regional Place Branding: Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions Springer International Switzerland
2014 Mihalis Kavaratzis, Gary Warnaby and Gregory Ashworth Rethinking Place Branding: Comprehensive Brand Development for Cities and Regions Springer International Heidelberg, Germany
2014 Frank M. Go, Harja Lemmetyinen and Ulla Hakala Harnessing Place Branding through Cultural Entrepreneurship Palgrave Macmillan UK
2014 Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko The Political Economy of City Branding Routledge New York, USA
2014 Miriam Cooke Tribal Modern: Branding New Nations in the Arab Gulf University of California Press USA
2013 Frank M. Go and Robert Govers International Place Branding Yearbook 2012: Managing Smart Growth and Sustainability Palgrave Macmillan UK
2013 Jay Gronlund Basics of Branding Business Expert Press USA
2013 Jian Wang Shaping China's Global Imagination: Branding Nations at the World Expo Palgrave Macmillan UK
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2013 Melissa Aronczyk Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity Oxford University Press USA
2013 Eva Niesing Latin America's Potential in Nation Branding: A closer look at Brazil's, Chile's and Colombia's practices Anchor Academic Publishing Hamburg, Germany
2012 Buck Song Koh Brand Singapore: How nation branding built Asia's leading global city Marshall Cavendish Business Singapur
2012 Samuel Johnson Ogundipe Branding a nation in time of crisis: The case of Nigeria LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Germany
2012 Bill Baker Destination Branding for Small Cities - Second Edition Creative Leap Books US
2012 Ian Yeoman 2050 - Tomorrow's Tourism Channel View Publications Ltd UK
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2011 Alihusain-del Castilho Angelic The positive branding of Islam: A Case Study of Islamic countries their Public Diplomacy Efforts and Effectiveness LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing United Kingdom
2011 Dinnie Keith City Branding: Theory and Cases Palgrave Macmillan UK
2011 Frew, Elspeth & White, Leanne Tourism and National Identities: An International Perspective (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) Routledge UK
2011 Mercedes Jiménez García Política Turística Común y Co-Country-branding: Dos apuestas turísticas para la Unión Europea Editorial Académica Española Spain
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2011 Go Frank M. & Governs Robert International Place Branding Yearbook 2011 Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke, UK
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2011 Kaneva Nadia Branding post - Communist Nations: Marketizing Routledge
2011 Morgan Nigel, Pritchard Annette, Pride Roger Destination Brands: Managing Place Reputation Butterworth-Heinemann UK
2011 Nadia Kaneva Branding Post-Communist Nations: Marketizing National Identities in the "New" Europe Routledge UK
2011 Pike Andy Brands and Branding Geographies Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Cheltenham, UK
2011 Sigrid Hoglinger Nation Branding - Austria as a Brand GRIN Verlag oHG Germany
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2011 Sipos Philip, Nefzger Corinna Country-of-Origin Effects and Competitive Advantage: The Role of a Country's Image with Respect to the Positioning Process of International Firms Within the Framework of Global Marketing Strategies GRIN Verlag
2011 Temporal Paul Islamic Branding and Marketing.Creating a Global Islamic Branding John Wiley & Sons Pte. Ltd Singapore
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2011 Wang Youcheng, Pizam Abraham Destination Marketing and Management: Theories and Applications CAB International Oxford, UK

2008- 2010

Cover Year Author Title Publisher Country
2010 Gregory Ashworth and Mihalis Kavaratzis Towards effective place brand management : branding European cities and regions Edward Elgar Pub Northampton, US
2010 Ahmad Din, Aamir Sohail, Kashif Shahzad Role of CSR to Create Positive Positioning in Country Branding Lambert Academic Publishing UK
2010 Alzadjli Badar Nation Branding in Oman - Studying Stakeholders Views on "Branding Oman" GRIN Verlag Germany
2010 Melissa Aronczyk Blowing Up the Brand: Critical Perspectives on Promotional Culture Peter Lang International Academic Publishers USA
2010 Ashworth Gregory, Kavaratzis Mihalis Towards Effective Place Brand Management Edward Elgar Publishing Limted Cheltenham, UK
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2010 Bevan Andrew & Wengrow Daniel Cultures of Commodity Branding left coast press California, USA
2010 Gustavo Santos Nation Branding, Construindo as Imagens das Nações Isotipo Lab Brazil
2010 Falemara Francis Ola Re-Branding the Nation Xlibris Publishing USA
2010 Govers R, Go F International Place Branding Yearbook 2010 Palgrave Macmillan New York, USA
2010 Rodrigues S. Gustavo Nation Branding: Construindo a Imagem de uma Nação: Um Estudo Sobre as Aplicações das Técnicas Branding para Países, Cidades e Regiões e suas Consquências no Mundo Contemporâneo isotipo.labs Sao Paulo, BR
2010 Sevin Efe Controlling the Message: A Strategic Approach to Nation Branding LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Germany
2010 Shore Neuriel BRAND ISRAEL: An Analysis Of Nation Branding Concepts As They Relate To The State Of Israel VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Germany
2009 Anholt Simon Places: Identity, Image and Reputation Palgrave Macmillan New York, USA
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2009 Anholt Simon, Hildreth Jeremy Great Brand Stories: Brand America Marshall Cavendish UK
2009 Batra Rajeev, Augustine Grace Nation Branding Davidson Institute Michigan, USA
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2009 Cai Liping A., Gartner William C., Munar Ana Maria Tourism Branding: Communities in Action Emerald Group Pub United Kingdom
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2009 Cifton Rita Brands and Branding Profile Books London, UK
2009 Clancy Michael Brand New Ireland Ashgate Publishing Limited Farnham, England
2009 Domański Tomasz, Hereźniak Marta Leveraging Corporate and Country Branding - How emerging countries can find their way in the global economy. The case of "Brand for Poland" Project in "Value-added partnering and innnovation in a changing world" Purdue University Press USA
2009 Donald Stephanie Hemelryk, Kofman Eleonore, Kevin Catherine Branding cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism and Social Change Taylor & Francis NY, USA
2009 Govers R, Go F Place Branding: Glocal, Virtual and Physical Identities. Constructed, Imagined and Experienced Palgrave Macmillan New York, USA
2009 Morgan Nigel, Pritchard Annette, Pride Roger Destination Branding Revised 2nd Edition: Creating the Unique Destination Proposition Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford, UK
2009 Nishit Kumar, Anil Varma Nation Branding: Concepts and Country Perspectives ICFAI Press India
2009 Potter Evan H. Branding Canada: Projecting Canada's soft power through public democracy Mcgill - Queen's University Press Quebec, Canada
2009 Rainisto S, Moilanen T How to Brand Nations, Cities and Destinations: A Planning Book for Place Branding Palgrave Macmillan New York, USA
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2009 Snow Nancy, Taylor Philip M. Routledge handbook of public diplomacy Routledge New York, USA
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2009 Wheeler Alina Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA
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2008 Avraham Eli, Ketter Eran Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis: Improving the Image of Cities, Countries and Tourist Destinations Taylor & Francis United Kingdom
2008 Burns Peter M., Novelli Marina Tourism development: growth, myths, and inequalities CAB International Wallingford, UK
2008 Dinnie K Nation branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford, UK
2008 Geoldner Charles R., Ritchie J.R.Brent Tourism: Principle, Practices, Philosophies, 11th Edition John Wiley & Sons Inc. New Jersey, USA
2008 Greenberg Miriam Branding New York City Routledge New York, USA
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2008 Johansson Johny K. Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing and Global Management McGraw-Hill Irwin UK
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2008 Kara Eda Country branding: the interrelationship between the image of Turkey and the Turkish textile and clothing industry Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen, Denmark
2008 Keller Kevin Lane, Aperia Toy, Georgson Mats Strategic Brand Management Michael Clancy Michael Clancy
2008 Florian U. Siems, Manfred Brandstätter, Herbert Gölzner Anspruchsgruppenorientierte Kommunikation VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften Germany
2008 Wang Jing Brand new China The President and Fellows of Harvard College Boston, USA

2001- 2007

Cover Year Author Title Publisher Country
2007 Anholt Simon Competitive Identity - The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke, UK
2007 Baker B Destination Branding for Small Cities Creative Leap Books Portland, USA
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2007 Dinnie Keith Nation Branding: concepts, issues, practice Butterworth-Heinemann California, USA
2007 Donald Stephanie Hemelryk, Gammack John G. Tourism and the Branded City (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) Ashgate Publishing Limited
2007 Gertner D, Kotler P Marketing international de lugares y destinos - Estrategias para la atracion para los negocios en Latino America Pearson Education Naucalpan, México
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2007 Martin Dick Rebuilding Brand America: What We Must Do to Restore Our Reputation and Safeguard the Future of American Business Abroad AMACOM USA
2006 Roll M Asian Brand Strategy. How Asia Builds Strong Brands Palgrave Macmillan New York, USA
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2006 Wallace Margot A. Museum Branding: How to create and maintain image, loyalty, and support Littlefield Publishers Oxford, UK
2005 Davies Melissa More Than a Name AVA Publishing Switzerland
2005 Morgan N, Pritchard A, Pride R Destination Branding. Creating the Unique Destination Proposition Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford, UK
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2005 Van Gelder Sicco Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures & Markets Kogan Page United Kingdom
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2004 Anholt Simon Brand New Justice: How Branding Places and Products Can Help the Developing World A Butterworth-Heinemann Title; 2 edition UK
2004 Paul Temporal Public Sector Branding in Asia Times Editions Singapore

1993- 2000

Cover Year Author Title Publisher Country
1998 Ward S Selling Places : The Marketing and Promotion of Towns and Cities Routledge New York, USA
1993 Kotler P, Haider D, Rein I Marketing Places The Free Press New York, USA