Case Studies

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Several case studies demonstrate the execution of branding strategies by various countries and regions. Usually, the aims of the strategies are; to create a national/regional identity, to update or change perceptions about the place, and to attract investors, tourists and sometimes immigrants to the region. Some examples are as follows.


Place of Reference Reference Link
Amsterdam I Amsterdam – The campaign to re-brand Amsterdam [1]
Colombia Echeverri, L. M.: Nation branding: How to Market A Nation?, Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración CESA, March 2009 -
Copenhagen OPEN Copenhagen – Official Webpage -
Croatia Hall, D: Brand Development, Tourism and National Identity: The Re-imaging of Former Yugoslavia, Journal of Brand Management, vol. 9, April 2002, no. 12, p.323-334 -
Denmark Brand Denmark, The Copenhagen Post [2]
Edinburgh City Branding [3]
Estonia One Country. One System. Many Stories [4]
Finland Mission for Finland. How Finland Will Demonstrate Its Strengths by Solving the World's Most Wicked Problems [5]
Ghana Mathias Akotia "Nation Branding and Nation Image" [6]
Glasgow Glasgow's Mille Better [7]
Greece Branding Greece - Positioning Greece in the International Marketplace [8]
Japan Dinnie, K: Japan's Nation Branding: Recent Evolution and Potential Future Paths, Journal of Current Japanese Affairs [9]
Kazakhstan Marat, E: Nation Branding in Central Asia: A New Campaign to Present Ideas about the State and the Nation, Europe - Asia Studies, vol. 61, no. 7, September 2009, p. 1123-1136 -
Lisbon Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Conference: Urban Tourism-mapping the future, 24-27 September 2003, Glasgow, UK -
Madrid Seisdedos, G & Vaggione, P: The city branding processes: the case of Madrid, ISoCaRP Congress 2005, Landor Associates Leads a Team of WPP Agencies to Launch Brand Madrid [10]
Melbourne City of Melbourne – Corporate Identity [11]
Mexico/Brazil/Argentina Athias, L & Echegaray, F: Branding National Assets amidst Global Diversity: Differences and Similarities across Three Latin American Markets, Esomar Global Diversity Conference, May 2006 -
New Zealand Dürr, E: Representing Purity: National Branding, Nature, and Identity in New Zealand, Humanities Research Network [], December 2007 -
Poland Florek, M: The Country Brand as a New Challenge for Poland, Place Branding, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 205-214 -
Scotland Houston, T: Projecting Value: Is There a Case for National Branding? Scotland The Brand – Case Study, Executive Forum on National Export Strategies, 2002 -
Shrewsbury Creative Review - Shrewsbury's new brand campaign [12]
Singapore Nation Branding and National Identity: Desperately Seeking Singapore, Institute of Policy Development, 2006< -
South Korea About Branding Korea [13]
Spain Gilmore, F: A country — can it be repositioned? Spain — the success story of country branding, The Journal of Brand Management, vol. 9, April 2002, p. 281-293 -
Sweden Anholt, S: Interview with Simon Anholt About the Image of Sweden, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, [14]
Switzerland Fetscherin, M: Switzerland ’ s Nation Branding Initiative to Foster Science and Technology, Higher Education and Innovation: A Case Study, Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 58-67 -
Thailand Nuttavuthisit, K: Branding Thailand: Correcting the Negative Image of Sex Tourism, Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Jan 2007, vol. 3, no.1, p. 10 -